7月6日, 2020, President John Swallow announced a plan of action for Carthage to work against racism, 来肯定并证明黑人的生命也是重要的.

Ida B. Wells wrote that “的 way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.我们接受这些话, 以及她作为教育者的行为, 记者, 和领袖, 作为bv伟德ios下载的试金石.

This plan draws on the excellent work in the BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Diversity, 股本, 《bv伟德ios下载》, 哪些是公认和明确的行动理念, and both the 公平与包容 Committee and the President’s Advisory Board for Diversity, 股本, 和包容, which has overseen and encouraged actions during the 2019-20 academic year.

This plan builds on this solid foundation but is not a static document. As we continue to expand and evolve our efforts to combat racism, 这个计划也必然会发展.

  • Carthage President John Swallow asked the Carthage 教师 to implement the recently approved general education, graduation requirement course Diverse Perspectives for new students in the fall of 2021.
  • President Swallow asked Provost David Timmerman to work with the Carthage 教师 to ensure that 所有学生都在U学习.S. 作为bv伟德ios下载教育的一部分 在第一年或第二年, 通过2021年秋季开始的毕业要求, 并在2020-21年尽可能多地开设课程.
  • 教职员工将学会理解, 谈论, 通过增加培训和讨论来对抗种族主义. Our goal will be to ensure that students will know how to report bias incidents, 教职员工将知道如何应对, 就像他们现在对第九条所做的那样.
  • In fall 2020, Carthage inaugurated and 工作人员ed an intercultural center (renamed to Engagement & 包容 Center in 2022) with additional resources for diversity, 股本, and inclusion. 这个中心, 位于托德·威尔中心, 服务学生, 教师, 和员工就种族和结果进行坦诚的讨论.
  • Carthage will intentionally seek a more diversified 教师 and 工作人员 through renewed attention to hiring practices. While recognizing that the near-term prospects for new 教师 and 工作人员 positions are very limited, we will focus our attention on practices that can be used in filling positions as they become vacant.
  • bv伟德ios下载校园社区将从事的工作 勇敢的天使美国社会去两极分化的运动, because we know that polarization is holding back the discussions that need to occur. 特别是bv伟德ios下载加入了 勇敢的天使对任何人都没有恶意 this fall, in concert with other ELCA colleges and universities.
  • 总统将定期会见来自不同背景的学生, 股本, 包容小组, 除了DEI的工作人员, 直接听取bv伟德ios下载士兵的意见.
  • Carthage will eliminate racial and ethnic discrepancies in retention and graduation rates. President Swallow asks Provost Timmerman and Vice President Abigail Hanna to analyze all available data regarding efforts to date, and to present their findings before the end of calendar year 2020. 基于这些数据, bv伟德ios下载的领导, 与整个大学社区的对话, 是否会提供一套知情的指标和目标, as well as processes and changes across the College to achieve this goal.
  • 总统多元化顾问委员会, 股本, 和包容 will continue to monitor our progress and setbacks and gather new ideas in an ongoing way.
  • Toward this end, Carthage will engage fully in the work of the Milwaukee-area 高等教育区域联盟, which seeks to eliminate these discrepancies across all 18 institutions of higher education in the seven counties surrounding Milwaukee.
  • bv伟德ios下载董事会 will emphasize further its plan to recruit board members from a broad and diverse range of backgrounds.
  • 的 Carthage Task Force on Team Names and Mascot will complete its work in the upcoming months, considering by this fall whether to recommend that the team names and/or mascot should be changed. If such a recommendation is presented and approved by the board, a process of change will be complete by the end of the 2020-21 academic year, 新队名将于2021年秋季正式启用.
  • Carthage will both draw on the expertise of organizations doing this work and support their efforts by sharing our expertise. 的se include local and regional school districts, other colleges and universities, 出赛’s 共建未来和拉辛的 对拉辛县的更高期望.
  • 为这些努力提供资金, 来自现有和新的资助者, will be a priority of Carthage’s Office of Institutional Advancement.

President Swallow is extraordinarily grateful for the concerns expressed, 提出的建议, bv伟德ios下载学生的作品, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni through recent listening sessions and one-on-one conversations. 的se have taken place both in groups specifically dedicated to improving the lives of Black and other underrepresented students as well as in other forums.

He is also deeply appreciative of Carthage’s 公平与包容 Committee, especially for its work preparing the BETVLCTOR伟德登录 Diversity, 股本, 《bv伟德ios下载》, 以及总统多元化顾问委员会, 股本, 和包容. 最后, he is thankful for the ongoing productive and emotional conversations Carthaginians are having with each other, 以尽可能去极化和建设性的方式, 让bv伟德ios下载更快地前进.

This plan of action would simply not have been possible without these Carthaginians and their commitments to greater truth, 强度, 一起服务.


Ida B. Wells: “的 way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.”

James Baldwin: “We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”

Hebrews 11:1: “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen.” This quotation calls us to recognize that while none of us has lived in a society without racism, we go forward in faith and conviction that such a society is possible and commit ourselves to realize it.


这个计划不是一成不变的,而是要不断发展和扩展的. President Swallow welcomes other Carthage groups and people to declare their own commitments to be offered for inclusion in this plan.
